Hello, my name is, Nigel Coombs, CEO & Founder, of Orora, Holdings. Founded in 2019, to establish a need, for more property developments, and the cost of home, affordability. And to get out of the mortgage trap, I was compelled, to work with developers, and industry experts, to fill this gap. At a time when the world, was in lock down, and just like you. I was in the debt trap, and wanting to be, financially free. Armed with the knowledge, from what I had learned, working with developers and investors, in the past, Orora Holdings, was born.
Why Choose Us ? With years of experience, in the real estate industry, our team of dedicated professionals, brings unparalleled knowledge, and expertise, to help you, navigate with confidence. With a personalised approach, this ensures, that we fully, understand your needs and preferences, helping you find the perfect way, that meets your specific requirements.
Orora Holdings, provides transparency and integrity, are the core, of our business model. We provide clear, honest information, and are committed to helping you, make informed decisions. And following the project, through to completion. With a smooth transaction. Our goal, is to make your property experience, as smooth, and as stress-free, as possible. We, handle all the details, from initial consultation, to the final closing. Ensuring a seamless process.
Thank you for choosing, Orora Holdings, property developer. We look forward to, helping you, in your property journey.